

Page history last edited by Stubborn Mule 15 years, 4 months ago

A Stubborn Mule's Wiki


This wiki is a companion the blog A Stubborn Mule's Perspective. It includes the Stubborn Mule Glossary of Terms.

Online Data

Readers of the A Stubborn Mule's Perspective would be well aware of my interest in digging into data, particular data relating to economics and finance. Unfortunately, a lot of this data can be very tricky to dig up. There are a few excellent examples of sites making data available in a very accessible way, particularly the St Louis Fed's FRED database, but in general there is a long way to go.


Economics and Finance Data Online


Other Interesting Data:


Open data, linked data, the semantic web and related intiatives:

Other Sites of Interest

Blogs, tools and other bits and pieces of interest to the Mule.

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