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Saved by Stubborn Mule
on July 27, 2009 at 4:18:19 pm

This wiki aims to build a comprehensive list of economics and finance data sources around the world. It is part of the Stubborn Mule Wiki.


The Best Data Repositories


St Louis Fed's FREDĀ® (Federal Reserve Economic Data)

This is an extraordinary resourse. With over 20,000 time series, the data is made readily accessible either simply via a web browser or through programmatic interfaces. For example, the R module quantmod makes it easy to import and analyse FRED data.


The CIA World Factbook

Who would have thought that spies could be so helpful? As well as providing detailed profiles of individual counties, much of the data is available is world listings. For example, here is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) around the world. Unfortunately, these listings do not have simple URLs in CSV format.


OECD Stat Extracts

OECD Factbook eXplorer

Inspired by Gapminder


US Data 


Bureau of Labor and Statistics

Fed Stats


Australian Data

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) - data is all in Excel format.

Reserve Bank of Australia Statistics

Australian Automobile Association: Petrol Prices - state by state data in Excel format.


Market Data

Yahoo Finance 

Google Finance



SIPRI Arms Transfer Database



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